Proper Waste Disposal

During this season, the City of Kennett's Code Enforcement Office emphasizes the importance of residents' and yard service providers' compliance with the regulations outlined in Chapter 220 of the City Code, which addresses various "Nuisances Affecting Health." As we approach yard work and improvements, including leaf removal, shrub and tree trimming, lawn mowing, and garden maintenance, it is crucial to prioritize the proper disposal of waste. Please be aware that allowing lawn debris such as grass clippings, leaves, or branches to enter the City Streets or drainage ditches/storm drains can lead to issues.

Our stormwater drainage system, in some areas of the City of Kennett, is aging and not in optimal condition. Over the years, the accumulation of these materials in the stormwater system has contributed to these problems. Consequently, the Code Enforcement Officer for the City will begin contacting occupants of all homes and businesses with any lawn clippings, leaves, limbs, or brush in the street or drainage ditch, instructing them to remove these items.

The City of Kennett operates the city compost facility, which is available free of charge to residents who can provide proof of residency. These items are accepted at the compost facility, located south of town on County Road 508/Ronnie Drive. The compost facility is open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday through Friday and from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. We sincerely appreciate your dedication to enhancing the appearance of the City and maintaining its appeal for all residents. Please continue to assist us as we work toward improving our city's overall appearance.

Thank you:

Kennett Stormwater Management & Code Enforcement Office